(a) Hulpr Inc. has $5 million of commerical liability insurance in accordance with the KATC bylaw.
(b) Hulpr Inc. drivers offer the following services:
– accessible transportation for ambulatory clients
– accessible transportation for wheelchair clients
– accompaniment during appointments for ambulatory or wheelchair clients
(c) Hulpr Inc. screens it’s drivers with the following requirements:
– an original Police Criminal Records and Judicial Matters Check or equivalent dated less than 90 days prior to the date of submission to the Transportation Network Company and updated annually thereafter; and
– a Three-Year Statement of Driving Record issued by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation dated within 30 days prior to the date of submission to the Transportation Network Company and updated annually thereafter.
(d) Hulpr Inc. drivers are prohibited from soliciting or accepting
requests for transportation services that are not prearranged, including accepting street hails or picking up fares at taxi stands.