Hello my name is Frank Menard and I am so happy and pleased to join this very special team. I am in my 30th year with the Correctional Services of Canada. During this amazing CSC career I have been a First Aid CPR Instructor / Supervisor. Also I worked with National Head Quarters to implement and develope a Train the Trainer for Bio-Hazard Clean Up and became the National Trainer across the country. People know me as = Happy and Positive Frank all the time. I have a beautiful wife called Sandi and we have 3 amazing children and now 1 grandson. Our family unit is very important for us and we LOVE being together and share life experiences. I enjoy cruise vacations, hiking and long walks, spending time with family and making people laugh and smile. Thank you for this opportunity for being part of your amazing Hulpr Team.

Frank Menard
Driver and Accompaniment